Sunday 23 August 2009

Preserving plums!!

Well I made my plum jam but there were still plenty of plums left on the tree and it would have been such a shame to waste freeze them it was. I was very happy when the kids got interested in what I was doing and we ended up with a 'Plum preserving assembly line!!'

The Kids stoning the plums.
The Kids stoning the plums.

Giving the plums a good wash.
Giving the plums a good wash.

Weighing the plums into 1lb portions ready to be frozen.
Weighing the plums into 1lb portions ready to be frozen.


  1. I'm very impressed the kids helped, mine would scoff half their body weight in plums then wander off!

  2. How nice to have helpers. Your son did well with the weeding too.

  3. Nice when the kids enjoy helping out isn't it? I have just finished about an hour ago making yellow cherry plum jam.


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