Sunday 21 August 2011

A fruitful allotment visit.

Well I had a very quick trip to the allotment this afternoon (only and hour!) and it proved very fruitful indeed!!

It was nice to finally see the tomatoes ripening which are planted outside on the allotment and I manged to harvest quite a few from the plants outside as well as inside. Now I am just waiting for those in the pots in the garden to start to show signs of ripening.

pears ready to harvest
Just a few of the pears which the tree planted only last year has produced.

The pears are also looking good and I picked a few for my son who is the pear lover of the was also nice to see only one windfall which was being thoroughly enjoyed by the wasps!!windfall pear with wasps
Wasps enjoying the windfall...nice to see nothing going to waste!!

As well as tomatoes and pears I also picked some runner beans, carrots from one of the containers, cucumbers, iceberg lettuce, french dwarf beans and and chard. I had to do a blitz through the chard and spinach beet patch cutting off all the long stems which had bolted and started to flower. This prolongs the life and also neatens up the allotment.

potatoes starting to come through
The Desiree potatoes coming through.

Finally above are the Desiree potatoes that I planted just a few weeks ago. they seem to be doing nicely now and in the background you can just see the tops starting to die off on the King Edwards.

So that's it for today...just a quick post really...lots more harvesting to do but I am hoping to get back to the allotment for an hour or two tomorrow at some point.


1 comment:

  1. It is surprising how quickly new pear trees produce. Our pears aren't quite ready to pick just yet.


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